With two of our previously appointed coaches now unable to travel to Malaga due to work commitments, applicants for the vacant roles of GB Womens 35+ Head Coach and GB Womens 45+ Asst. Coach actually came from within the programme!
First to be congratulated is STEVE BUTLER, who having delivered a great trial session at the recent women’s camp has been appointed as W35+ Head Coach. Steve will continue to prepare the team for the next two months ahead of the XI FIMBA European Championships in Malaga. Steve joined the GB Maxibasketball programme in February 2021 and is known to most in the North East as a long-time member of the Tees Valley Mohawks Basketball Club from the 1990s to date, both as a player and now coach, and chairman.
The Europeans will be Steve’s first major international coaching role, and we wish him all the best. 

Check in tomorrow for news of our second coaching appointment!