This weekend, male and female maxiballers had the opportunity to meet and train in the same venue. Yes, GB Maxibasketball coaches delivered their first ever co-ed open training camp at the Nottingham Wildcats Arena.
Just over 80 players across our men’s and women’s performance programme came together for two days, in our first ever multi age group camp for players aged 35+, 40+ and 45+. Coaches were able to work with different age groups, and also take part in some personal development and learning by way of a coaching round table discussion at the end of the first day. Players were also able to experience a variety of coaching styles, and technical skills emphasis. It proved to be a successful camp, offering everyone the opportunity for sharpening up individual skills, team play and shared learning, and with a view to beginning the journey to select and prepare GB national teams for the World Maxibasketball Championship 2023. We now know this will take place from 25 August to 3 September 2023, in Mar del Plata, Argentina. 

Also in a throwback to the recent FIMBA Maxibasketball European Championship 2022, Coach Mike Martin finally received his championship medal! He was part of our Men’s 40+ medal winning delegation (of 16 people) in Malaga, but only 15 medals were available. Mike very kindly gave up his medal to one of our M40+ players who (at the time) was unable to receive his medal alongside his teammates. So the organisers made one especially for him, and it arrived by special delivery a few days ago! 

Thanks to the FIMBA Malaga LOC for organising this.

As ever, a fantastic weekend was led by our team of volunteer coaches, Team Managers and performance support staff, without whom this national maxibasketball programme would not happen. Thanks all, you are awesome 

Our second co-ed training weekend will be for male and female players aged 50+, 55+ & 60+, and will take place in November, in Sheffield. We anticipate that our GB squads will be finalised in the new year. #inclusivesport #performance #basketball #roadtomardelplata2023